The Ultimate Companion Planting Chart

Simple Companion Planting Chart

After many hours of extensive research for my own garden this year, I decided to craft an easy to read, one-page companion planting chart for 30 different plants so I don't have to repeat my research year after year. This chart has been so helpful to my friends and family that I've decided to share it with all of you! Now I am somewhat of a newer gardener for a lot of plants on this list so, in order to make sure I got it right, I checked 7 different resources. Some of these resources did have some conflicting data, so in order to sort that out, if any ONE resource said NOT to plant two plants next to each other, that's what I went with.

Here are the 7 different resources:
  1. Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills (Second Edition)
  2. A very useful catalog from Johnny's Selected Seeds
  3. An Online Companion Planting Chart from Urban Farmer
  4. An Online Companion Planting Chart from Companion Planting
  5. An Article on Hunker about Companion Plants For Brussel Sprouts
  6. Various Articles on Gardening Know How about Companion Planting
  7. An In-Depth Companion Planting Guide by Mother Earth News
Please note that these are all great resources, I am just more of a visual person and this chart worked a bit better for me personally so I hope it helps you too!

The Ultimate Companion Planting Chart

You can download a PDF version of this document for a better printing experience HERE.

Let me know in the comments how this chart helped you or what other plants you'd like to see some data on.

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