5 Cleaner Cleaning Products

5 Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

If you're anything like me, you're always worrying about whether you're buying safe products for your family. If you've been paying attention to labels on just about anything at the grocery store, you'll see a lot more organic brands and other brands trying to compete with this by making the focus of their labels about what is NOT in their products instead of what actually is... This is a big pet peeve of mine, it just doesn't make any sense to me. When you visit my blog It doesn't say at the top "Free of Underwater Basket Weaving Content, How To Start A Library Content, or Why Your Motorcycle Is Making That One Sound You Can't Describe Content." No, because that would be confusing and unhelpful. So why do companies feel the need to focus on what's not in their products? Because they don't want us to know what is in their products.

I made it my mission over the last couple months to slowly re-evaluate each household product as I ran out of them and one great resource I found to help me make those decisions was the free Think Dirty App on the App Store. A lot of times I usually assume a higher price means a safer product but based on what I've found using the app, that usually isn't the case. A great place to start reviewing your household products is your cleaning cabinet! These are usually some of the most toxic products in your home and below I'll share some of my favorite and affordable non-toxic cleaning products.

1.) Seventh Generation Lavender Floral & Mint Liquid Dish Soap

I switched to this dish soap from Dawn. I did notice that Dawn had a tendency to dry out my hands a lot but since I switched to this brand I haven't had that issue. It cuts grease great and I even use it to make my own all-purpose cleaner (link below)! 
Before I was using a Cascade & Clorox dishwasher detergent. It worked well to clean the dishes (i usually load my dishwasher with already scrubbed but dirty dishes) and removed the water spots well without a rinse aid but I always had a lingering chemical taste and smell leftover... I decided to switch to this brand after looking it up on the Think Dirty App. It washes just as well but I do notice some hard water spots are leftover so if you have well water you might want to consider ordering the rinse aid by Seventh Generation as well.
I had such good success with the Seventh Generation brand with the other two items above that I decided to give their laundry detergent a whirl. Now, before I was using a baby detergent for our 10-month-old son and I was using Tide Free & Clear for our stuff. At first, I tried the Free & Clear Detergent by Seventh Generation for both our son's clothes and ours but I realized pretty quickly that I needed something scented. My second go around I tried the Lavender scent and I've been very happy with the results since.

4.) Seventh Generation Free & Clear Unscented Liquid Hand Soap

I usually prefer an unscented option when I can so I chose the Free & Clear hand soap option but they have a few different scents available too. I usually wash my hands close to 30 times a day between dishes, diapers, and homesteading and I haven't noticed any hand drying.

5.) Whip-It Multi-Purpose Stain Remover

Now I personally make my own disinfectant and all-purpose cleaner sprays but for more stubborn stains and messes I like this product. It doesn't leave an odor and it will get just about anything out. Keep in mind, the bottle needs to be diluted and can make SEVERAL bottles.

If you're interested in making your own homemade cleaning supplies for pennies on the dollar, check out this link to one of my favorite blogs, Clean My Space.

Later on, I plan on posting My Top 5 Safer Hygiene Products but I'm not finished with my research just yet.

I am still searching for a good non-toxic toilet bowl cleaner so if you have a recommendation let me know in the comments!

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